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ESSER III Use of Funds Plan


Friend Public School 

ESSER III Use of Funds Plan


The Federal Programs Advisory has met to discuss the ESSER III funding, the Safe Return Plan, and the “Use of Funds'' requirements. Stakeholders on the advisory reviewed the requirements and the allowable uses of funding. The group was tasked with listing ideas on what they believe would benefit our students most.  20% or more of the funding is reserved to be used for closing the achievement gap. Due to students being out of school over the last year during quarantines and virtual learning, a look at gaps is necessary. Funds can also be used for the continuity of services, and for implementing prevention and mitigation strategies consistent with the most recent CDC guidance for reopening schools. Below is the plan that has been developed. 

ESSER III Use of Funds Plan

Updated: 10/25/22
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