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Friend School


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Friend Community Update


Friend Community, 


As many of you know, the district passed a facility improvement bond several years ago. The bond included renovating the office area around the gym with the idea that school offices would move to that location. The plan would increase office space and it would also provide a more visible entry to the school.

After further consideration, we have decided to use the new area to serve students who receive Special Education Services. This additional space will enhance the educational opportunities and improve the learning environment for our students.

One of the original ideas for the project was to create a visible entry to the school. To address this thought, we will extend a covered awning from the existing main school entrance to the end of the walkway. The awning will include signage indicating where the school office entry is located.

We truly think the change will more effectively use the space to serve our students. We value your help and support. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Friend School Administration

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