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Superintendent's Corner: November


Friend Public School

1307 County Road 1350
Chickasha, OK 73018

p.405.224.3822  f. 405-222.5416



Superintendent’s Corner: November 2022

1. We will, fortunately, be getting additional funding support from the federal government in what will likely be the last COVID-based funding we will receive. We have submitted a grant proposal and the plan has been approved. Included in our plan is the purchase of several new HVAC units, a 15-passenger van, a new network server along with a couple of new smart boards for classrooms. Part of the plan includes the installation of new hardware on all classroom doors. The new hardware automatically locks the doors once they are closed with the goal being to ensure the safety of students and staff. We will be getting a new bus that will include ADA handicap-accessible equipment. The new funding will help us academically as we will be able to add an additional instructional aid to provide additional support and we will be able to pay for staffing for after-school tutorial programs along with summer school programs. Last but not least, staff have absorbed quite a bit of additional work over the last few years. The additional funding will include $1,000 retention stipends for all employees of FPS. The stipend will be in place for this year and for next year. We are thankful and appreciative of our team!


2. We have asked our 4th-8th graders to complete a survey. The survey asked for students to let us know what programs they may be interested in adding to our school.

Program choices included a wide range of activities including athletic programs, fine art programs, and technologically based programs. While we can't promise that we will be able to add any of the choices the students selected, we do promise to look into the possibilities and do the best we can to expand on the services and opportunities we


3. Don't forget that on Saturday, Nov. 12th, we will be having a community-wide breakfast. We have sent several notices via our district Facebook page. Students also had a handout sent home with them a couple of weeks ago. Please RSVP to let us know if you plan on attending.


4. Our Boys and Girls hoops teams are in full action. Just about every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and some weekends one or more teams will be in action. Come out and

support the Falcons! It means a lot for the kids to see their family members and friends in the stands cheering them on. Check the school’s website for schedules.


5. We recently had our introductory 4-H meeting. We have to jump through a few administrative hoops but we hope to have the program up and running soon. We will let

you know ASAP when the program will get underway!


6. We recently selected the first Superintendent’s Cabinet. The purpose of the Cabinet is to allow students to have a voice in how we might improve our school. We are excited about the cabinet and about the great ideas that it will bring our way!


Please know our doors are always open. Please don't hesitate to come by if you have a concern or if you just want to know what is going on at the school.


Friend School-The best small school in Oklahoma!